Studie: Social Media beein­flusst weni­ger als 1% der Kaufentscheidungen

E‑Commerce betrei­bende Unternehmen soll­ten den Fokus mehr auf Suchmaschinen- und E‑Mail Marketing und weni­ger auf Social Media Marketing legen. Das ist zumin­dest das Ergebnis einer aktu­el­len Studie von Forrester, über die Mashable berichtet:

Ecommerce busi­nesses should con­cen­trate more of their efforts on tra­di­tio­nal online mar­ke­ting tac­tics like search and e‑mail than social media. That’s the con­clu­sion of a Forrester study released Tuesday, which exami­ned 77,000 online tran­sac­tions made bet­ween April 1 and April 14. The study found that less than 1% of them could be tra­ced back to social net­works like Facebook or Pinterest.

Laut der Studie ist E‑Mail (wenig über­ra­schend) der effek­tivste Kanal, um bestehende Kundenbeziehungen anzusprechen:

Following direct visits, orga­nic search and paid search are the two big­gest dri­vers of purcha­ses from new cus­to­mers, accoun­ting for 39% of new cus­to­mer tran­sac­tions. That’s because the web con­ti­nues to be a useful tool for what Forrester calls “spear fishers” — con­su­mers who know what they are loo­king for and find it through search.

For repeat shop­pers, e‑mail is the most effec­tive sales influen­cer: Nearly a third of purcha­ses from repeat cus­to­mers initia­ted with an e‑mail. As such, busi­nesses should up their efforts to coll­ect e‑mail addres­ses, and tailor their e‑mail mar­ke­ting mes­sa­ges to each reci­pi­ents’ device and prior purchase behavior.

Mashable: Social Media Influences Less Than 1% of Online Purchases [STUDY]

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