Wie und wo Links im Newsletter plat­ziert wer­den sollten

Nick Usborne hat in einem Fachartikel auf sei­ner Website einige Tipps zur Platzierung von Links in Newslettern veröffentlicht:

  1. Links in the side columns will not per­form as well as those in the cen­ter column, even if they are accom­pa­nied by nice pro­duct photos.
  2. In the main column a simple best prac­tice is to place a text link early on in the text as well as at the end.
  3. When wri­ting the text links, a descrip­tive link will usually out-perform a shorter, ins­truc­tional link. In other words, “save 20% on our end-of-season Sea Kayaks” will likely do bet­ter than “buy now” or even “check out our low prices”.
  4. If you are sel­ling more than one pro­duct in your email, you will pro­ba­bly get a hig­her click-through on the first pro­duct men­tio­ned, and the lowest click-through on the last. (This is gene­rally true, but defi­ni­tely not true all of the time.)

Excess Voice: Where and how to place your links in a 2‑column HTML email

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